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7th time in a colorful arrangement Didi and Dada-2022″ grand finale of Bishworang held in Sharad Saje

অনলাইন ডেস্ক
প্রকাশের সময় : সেপ্টেম্বর ২৮, ২০২২ । ১২:২২ অপরাহ্ণ
7th time in a colorful arrangement Didi and Dada-2022″ grand finale of Bishworang held in Sharad Saje

Entertainment Desk :(Rifat Rahul khan)

The grand finale of the 7th Sharad Saje Bishworang er Didi and Dada-2022 competition was held yesterday in a grand ceremony at Jamuna Future Park. Out of about 10,000 contestants, 500 people were initially selected; 200 of them were groomed and then through various selection processes. Finally 10 Dada and 10 Didi. Out of these 20 people, 2 were selected variously and awarded “Sharad Saje Bishworang er Didi-2022″ and Sharad Saje Bishworang er Dada-2022”.

There were also dada and Didi 1st Runner Up; 2nd runner up; 2 out of every participating child is awarded Dada Samman and Didi Samman. The fashion show choreography of the whole event was done by the famous choreographer of the country, Bulbul Tumpa. The event is a catwalk of fashion models; contestants’ fashion show; song The dance became lively with the lively banter of popular stars.Bulbul Tumpa said; It feels great to be able to successfully complete the choreography of the show after working tirelessly. Thanks to the event organizers.

Renowned actress Shampa Reza was the judge in the event; Eminent music director and composer Emon Saha; Actress Apu Biswas; Actress Puja Chery film maker Chayanika Chowdhury and renowned fashion designer Biplob Saha.
Jamuna Group Director Dr. Mohammad Alamgir Alam; Prominent businessman Prabir Saha, Managing Director of Dream Holiday Park; Actress Mili Basher; Prominent actor Azam Khan;
singer zakia sultana kornia; film Actor nirab; Musician Sushmita Saha; Dancer Rani Chowdhury and others.

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