সর্বশেষ :

Maha is coming as Aleya

অনলাইন ডেস্ক
প্রকাশের সময় : সেপ্টেম্বর ২১, ২০২২ । ১১:১৮ পূর্বাহ্ণ
Maha is coming as Aleya

Entertainment reporter:
The serial drama ‘Amon Jodi Hoto’ in twenty-two episodes. Abu Hayat Mahmud and Saidur Rahman Russell are jointly producing this series written by Rajibul Islam Rajib. Nayma Alam Maha, the popular actress of this generation, is playing the role of Aleya in the drama. Maha herself confirmed this.
Regarding playing the role of Aleya in the play, Maha said, I am very excited about my role.Sincere gratitude and love to the directors, producers and others who are behind the production of this drama. I tried my best to portray the character properly. This Aleya is not similar to the Aleya of Nawab Siraj Uddaula. Because this Aleya is the Aleya of this era. I like the getup of the character. I hope the audience will like it very much. Because I have not acted in such a role before. But if given more attention I could have developed the character better.

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