সর্বশেষ :

The new face of showbiz Syeda zuena Islam Mou’s journey in media.

অনলাইন ডেস্ক
প্রকাশের সময় : সেপ্টেম্বর ৮, ২০২২ । ৫:১৯ অপরাহ্ণ
The new face of showbiz Syeda zuena Islam Mou’s journey in media.


showbiz Desk :

Syeda zuena Islam Mou is a dancer, choreographer and actress of the young generation. She has been dancing since the age of three.
Interested in dance since childhood, trained in classical Kathak dance from ‘Bulbul Lalitkala Academy’. But now, apart from classical, he is also dancing in other forms including hip-hop.

Recently, Mr. Miss. Won in the acting category of Fresh Look’ (Season-04). Worked in several music videos, short films, TVCs with renowned actors.
Interested in acting and modeling mainly dance. But need a good platform for everything which gave me a fresh look. If I get a good character and story I will definitely work in cinema-drama.


Apart from dancing, acting, he spent some time in his life in sports and writing. He played cricket at the district level and was a well-known player in the Bangladesh Tennis Federation. He also used to write stories, poems and songs but said that he is not spending time on them now.

Besides these, she also liked to sing a few songs. She has received many awards in dance, singing, sports and other sectors of entertainment. He expressed that he will focus on work besides studies.

Pc : collected.

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