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Director and actress Rasheda Akhtar Lajuk was honored with the BCRA Award

অনলাইন ডেস্ক
প্রকাশের সময় : ডিসেম্বর ২৫, ২০২২ । ৪:৩১ অপরাহ্ণ
Director and actress Rasheda Akhtar Lajuk was honored with the BCRA Award


Entertainment Reporter –
Recently, Bangladesh Cultural Reporters Association (BCRA) Award-2022 was held in a grand manner.

The award ceremony was organized on the initiative of Bangladesh Cultural Reporters Association (BCRA) last Friday (December 23).

In this award ceremony, Minister of Information and Broadcasting of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. Rasheda Aktar Lazuk received the award from Hasan Mahmood MP.

This time Lazuk has won two awards in the Best Director and Best Drama ‘Family’ categories for her serial drama ‘Paribar’ directed by her.In this award ceremony, Minister of Information and Broadcasting of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. Rasheda Aktar Lazuk received the award from Hasan Mahmood MP.

This time Lajuk has won two awards in the Best Director and Best Drama ‘Family’ categories for his serial drama ‘Paribar’ directed by her.
After receiving the award, Lazuk said, “I am very happy. All recognition of work gives motivation and encouragement to move forward.” Through this award, my work responsibilities increased. Along with that increased responsibility.

She also said, I have presented the story of joy, sorrow and crisis of a family through the series ‘Paribar’. I did not make the drama to get views.

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