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singer Lilin Moon’s new music video is coming out this evening

অনলাইন ডেস্ক
প্রকাশের সময় : ডিসেম্বর ১২, ২০২২ । ১১:২৭ পূর্বাহ্ণ
singer Lilin Moon’s new music video is coming out this evening

Entertainment Reporter-
Lilin Moon is a talented singer of the young generation Her new music video Shadow is coming this evening. Lyrics by Raju Chowdhury and music arranged by Amzad Hossain, the song is sung by Lilin Moon. Regarding the new song, Lilin Moon said; The lyrics of the song are very beautiful. Tried to sing the song very carefully. Very optimistic about the song. I hope; The audience will love it. The song will be released this evening under shabdo Karigor banner.

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