সর্বশেষ :

Dipon Chandra’s Dada Studio started a new journey.

অনলাইন ডেস্ক
প্রকাশের সময় : সেপ্টেম্বর ২৯, ২০২২ । ১২:৩৫ অপরাহ্ণ
Dipon Chandra’s Dada Studio started a new journey.

Entertainment Desk :

Dipon Chandra is the busiest photographer in the media photography world. Through his skillful work, he has been working with honesty and devotion for many years. Yesterday, the procession of “Dada Studio” was held in Mohammadpur of the capital. At this time Dada Studio was auspiciously inaugurated by cutting the cake and cutting the ribbon..The event was attended by renowned presenter and filmmaker Debashish Biswas; Fashion designer Biplob Saha; Fashion Choreographer Bulbul Tumpa; Model ;Professor col.Kazi sharif Uddin (retd).;Md Nazmul Islam ;Cyber crime Adc


Antu Karim; Additional SP (PBI) Dhaka; Many dignitaries and journalists including Awal Hussain Khan.
Dipon Chandra, CEO of Dada Studio said; Thank you to everyone who accepted my invitation and came to greet me. Wanting to move forward with love from all… May all be by my side and bless to make my coming days bright and prosperous.

Pc collected.


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