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‘Banker’s Voice’ presented by Debashish Biswas

অনলাইন ডেস্ক
প্রকাশের সময় : সেপ্টেম্বর ২৯, ২০২২ । ১২:০৪ অপরাহ্ণ
‘Banker’s Voice’ presented by Debashish Biswas

Entertainment Desk :

The reality show ‘Banker’s Voice’ about bankers has started with the presentation of popular presenter Debashish Biswas. Bankers will show their latent talent, bank officials have to go through tough challenges constantly. But they also have latent talent. Legendary Media has organized a reality show named ‘Banker’s Voice’ in search of that latent talent.

The recording of this reality show has started from last September 16. The top 22 have already been selected. The winner will be chosen from among the 22 through a grand finale event in November or December. Rafiqul Alam, Mitali Mukherjee and Ferdous Wahid are the judges of the show.
Popular filmmaker and presenter Debashish Biswas said, many of them did not think they were bankers. It seems like a real singer. I wonder why they became bankers instead of singers! It would have been better if they had only taken up singing as a profession.
Debashish Biswas also said, ‘Such competition with bankers has not happened before. Its presentation experience is good. I have presented many reality shows before, but this show is a little different for me. Because bankers have participated here. And many of them did not feel like bankers. It seems like a real singer. Found at least five artists with whom playback is also possible. Perfect neck.

Three thousand contestants registered in the first phase. From there 200 people were selected after the initial selection. Then 40 people are selected and in the last step 22 people are selected. From among them the winner will be chosen by audience vote.

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