Fashion Choreographer Syed Ruma was honored with the Padma Setu Memorial Award

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Fashion Choreographer Syed Ruma was honored with the Padma Setu Memorial Award

Entertainment Desk :

Yesterday at Kazi Bashir auditorium in Dhaka city International fashion choreographer Syed Ruma has been honored for her special contribution to the world of fashion at the Padma Setu Commemorative Awards and cultural events. Apart from this, awards were given in various categories – Dance choreographer Ivan Shahriar Sohag; Model and movie star Nirab; movie Star Emon; heroine Dighi; Choreographer Gowtom Saha and others.

Each of them has been awarded for their special contribution in their respective fields. About receiving the award, fashion choreographer Syed Ruma said; Receiving rewards increases commitment to work. I feel very good. Many thanks to the event organizers who honored me by organizing such a beautiful event.

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