BishwoRong Sharad Saj audition round has started

অনলাইন ডেস্ক
প্রকাশের সময় : সেপ্টেম্বর ১৮, ২০২২ । ১২:৫৩ পূর্বাহ্ণ
BishwoRong Sharad Saj audition round has started

Entertainment Desk :
BishwoRong is a name known as one of the fashion brands in the fashion industry of Bangladesh for a long period of 27 years. In these 27 years, many models have given gifts to the fashion world of Bangladesh by organizing various events. Those who are constantly illuminating the media arena of this country with their own talent.

In continuation of this, Bishworong and jamuna Future Park are going to start for the seventh time “Sharad Saje Bishworong
er Didi 2022″ and for the second time “Sharad Saje Bishworong er Dada 2022” is going to start.

The audition round of Sharad Saje Bishworong’s
Didi and Dada reality show  started on Friday, September 16 at the center court of Jamuna Future Park. He was the judge of the audition round..Renowned fashion designer and head of Bishworong Fashion House Biplob Saha, renowned choreographer Bulbul Tumpa, internationally renowned model Maria Kispotta, renowned presenter, actress and model Moushumi Mou, actor Shipan Mitra, model Sanj John, model Azad Farhana Limi and music artist Zakia Sultana Kornia. .



All those who have won from the “Sharad Saje Bishworong er Didi and Dada” platform in the past years are now giving good work in the media world in dramas, movies, advertisements. They may be established as bright stars of the future. So prepare yourself. Didi and Dada-2022 of bishworong will be crowned winners in Sharad Saje.

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