“Operation Sundarban” movie poster release

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প্রকাশের সময় : সেপ্টেম্বর ৯, ২০২২ । ১০:০৯ পূর্বাহ্ণ
“Operation Sundarban” movie poster release

Entertainment DESK :Sundarban was the name of an iconic fear to the people of all levels of the country. Due to the rampant brutality of the pirates and the reign of terror, the region had become a forbidden southern sanctuary. Elite Force Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) is on a mission to rid the Sundarbans of pirates and restore peace and tranquility to the people there.RAB Welfare Cooperative Society Limited has produced the film “Operation Sundarbans” with the stories of those adventurous, thrilling and breathtaking operations and the success achieved in freeing the Sundarbans from pirates.

This film full of thriller and suspense is releasing simultaneously nationwide on September 23. RAB organized a press conference yesterday at RAB Media Center in Kawran Bazar to highlight various behind the scenes stories of the film’s production.RAB Law and Media Branch Director Commander Khandaker Al Moin read the written statement at the press conference. He highlighted various contexts of the making of the movie.

Cultural personality and Member of Parliament Asaduzzaman Noor unveiled the poster of the movie “Operation Sundarban” at the event.While unveiling the poster, he said, “Movies are one of my favorite subjects.” I watch all kinds of movies from that time alone. The film “Operation Sundarbans” highlights the success of RAB and also highlights many unknown chapters of Sundarbans. Films are now booming. And at such a time, I hope that this film will play a special role in the cinema industry of the country.
He also said, I think films are of two types. Good movies and bad movies. Also, films should not be tied to any genre. We expect healthy entertainment films more than cheap entertainment. Honorable Prime Minister is a film lover.

Due to which he has come forward to film. He has given an incentive of 1000 crore rupees saying that if the cinema hall is developed, the cinema industry will be developed.

He called upon the entrepreneurs to take advantage of the incentives announced by the Prime Minister.He spoke at the press conference about his memories of acting in the film and the stories associated with it “Operation Sundarban” The film starred Siam Ahmed, Nusrat Faria, Riaz Ahmed, Samina Bashar, Ziaul Roshan, Khairul Alam Tipu, Manoj Pramanik and others.

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