সর্বশেষ :

Presenter Suborna Nawadir completed “16 years of presenting television programs”.

অনলাইন ডেস্ক
প্রকাশের সময় : সেপ্টেম্বর ৭, ২০২২ । ৩:৩৬ অপরাহ্ণ
Presenter Suborna Nawadir completed “16 years of presenting television programs”.


Showbiz Desk:
Suborna Nawadir is one of the most popular program presenters in Bangladesh. She has completed 16 years of presenting television programs. She said;”Presentation” is mixed in my blood…..mixed in my spirit, mind.
December 17, 1993

My respected younger uncle, Ustad Kazi Sultan Mahmud Montu started with Bangladesh Betar’s children’s program Khelaghar….. till 2005 I became the favorite voice of many by doing many popular programs…..then in 2005-2006 ATN.

Bengali stars started working on television through star reality shows…..6th September, 2006 ATN Bangla started presenting television programs with Eid special program “Eid Anand”.In these 16 years, I have been fortunate to gain a lot of people’s love and respect by presenting many popular programs, from many big stages of the country to the world stage. I am forever grateful to many people on the way to my achievement. Chances are….my gratitude to all, love…..thanks to my family…

And gratitude to my creator God Almighty who has filled a small person like me with so much respect and love in one life. Everyone pray for me that my coming days will be bright and successful. I want to go far with everyone’s love.

Pc: collected.

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